Since World War II, conventional farming has often been a case of chemical warfare - a search and destroy method to eradicate pests and disease in a quest to produce cheaper food. Modern farming has taken place almost exclusively in the absence of nature, much to our, and the British countryside's, detriment. We believe it's time for a change...
Our farming methods are driven by biological processes, and we are constantly striving to integrate natural systems into our way of producing food instead of chemicals, whilst improving yield and quality.
Integrated Farm Management
9 Principles of
Integrated Farm Management (IFM)
3 cups
3 cups

IFM is a site-specific farm business approach that uses the best of modern technology and traditional methods. Attention to detail is key; appropriate and efficient use of inputs, smarter approaches to business planning and the adoption of innovations and new technologies, all contribute to increasing productivity whilst protecting valuable resources.
Organisation & Planning
Good organisation and planning is key to our farm. We have established short and long term objectives based on these 9 farming principles.
Soil Management & Fertility
Soil is the basis of all agricultural production and the conservation and improvement of this valuable resource is our highest priority. This allows our produce to be grown on healthy and biologically active soil with an optimum level of organic matter, a good physical structure, chemical balance and sufficient fertility.
Crop Health & Protection
Loddington Farm uses sustainable pest control measures that have minimal impact on the environment and human health. Our crops are more resilient to attack from pests and diseases as we maintain a balance in our plants and restrict the use of chemical inputs. We still need to meet the rigorous quality demands of our customer but aim to do so on a journey to farming organically.
Pollution Control and By-product Management
Well organised pollution control and by-product management will help avoid pollution, save money and plays an important part in protecting water, energy, biodiversity and soil management. In many cases farm 'wastes' are a valuable resource if used appropriately.
Animal Husbandry
We pay special consideration to the way decisions are made on the whole farm. Not only does this include animal welfare, grassland, forage and crop management, but also the attention to detail demanded to ensure sound animal husbandry techniques, environmental responsibility and an economically viable farming business.
Energy Efficiency
Energy is often a significant on-farm cost and so requires constant monitoring. Careful use of inputs, reduced reliance on fossil fuels through renewable energy (wind and solar here at the farm) and striving for optimum instead of maximum yields helps us to improve energy efficiency and contribute towards maximum return in the long run.
Water Management
We constantly strive for better and more effective water management on our farm. Managing water wisely as well as assessing and enhancing the efficiency of on-farm water use saves money and helps us plan for future needs.
Landscape & Nature Conservation
Landscape and conservation are becoming increasingly important in agriculture. At Loddington Farm, our wildlife is fundamental to our food production as it's all part of the same natural system.
Community Engagement
We think it's essential to communicate what we are doing and why to everybody who works on or around the farm, including the local community and our customers. Not only does it help them to better understand our farming methods and the rural environment, but it also addresses their concerns, needs and expectations of the countryside and food production.
We welcome visits to the farm for people who want to know more.